"Capture Creatures is a showcase of 151 creatures hand-painted by Becky, with their stories adapted by her partner Frank Gibson."
The idea is that they are making their own set of 151 Pokemon-like creatures, the same number as the original number of Pokemon. Her creatures are adorable, and could totally pass for real Pokemon. I wish some of them were. Look at how cute they are:
PESKY [41 OF 151]
Peskys body neither has the scales of an amphibious creature nor the fur of a feline, instead it is covered in downy feathers more akin to an avian infant. Despite its appearance as part fish, its tail acts more like a paddle than a rudder, limiting its movement. Peskys meows also act as sonar.
PALETILE [35 OF 151]
Paletile communicate through art. Their brush is crafted from the shedded antlers of the Budu and the moulted hair of Scottness. A particularly social creature, Paletile often paints upon other creatures. When painted upon by a Paletile, the appearance of Capaphant alters dramatically and it’s believed they become more powerful.
Toveadile is a compact and stout creature that thrives in damp environments, often cohabitating with other creatures of its kind on humid riverbanks and in swamps. The main offensive strategy of a Toveadile is confusing its opponents with bubbles that it expels from its troll-like snout.
The most notable feature of the Bon Bon Fire is the flaming bamboo that resides atop its head. This allows it to stay warm in the winter months. Generally congregating in packs, their cheek markings vary from region to region and are used to identify unfamiliar creatures.
And those are just a few of them. As of the writing of this post, there are 41 Capture Creatures completed, but a new one is added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you want to see more, check out http://www.capturecreatures.com !
Wouldn't it be cool if someone could make a hacked Pokemon rom of FireRed or LeafGreen and replace the 151 Pokemon with these?
I would do it if I had the means, but unfortunately my mac (with its horrible OS X Lion) does not support ANY of the programs necessary for rom-hacking. Grrr.
If anyone else agrees with me and decides they might want to do this as a project, let me know! I would love to help out in any way I could.
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